Several properties of oil are altered and Total Polar Compounds (TPC) are formed when same oil is used in frying. The toxicity of these compounds is associated with several diseases such as hypertension, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, liver diseases, etc. Therefore, it becomes essential to monitor the quality of vegetable oil during frying. To safeguard consumer health, FSSAI has fixed a limit for Total Polar Compounds at 25% beyond which the vegetable oil shall not be used.
FSSAI is implementing an EEE Strategy-Education, Enforcement, Ecosystem to divert used cooking oil from the food value chain and to avoid consumption of used cooking oil directly or indirectly. The EEE Strategy approach ensures good health and welfare for all 130-crore citizens, aiding energy security, climate change mitigation, and leading to environmentally sustainable development.

There is a need to ensure that the used cooking oil does not enter the food chain and that oil is disposed or used in a sustainable manner. Thus the Authority launched the RUCO initiative. A network of aggregators has been formed who collect used cooking oils from the manufacturers/FBOs which are then passed on to biodiesel manufacturers and/or soap manufacturers.

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For Guidance Note on RUCO Click